
  • Four Aspects Of The Future Development Of Smart Molds

    Four Aspects Of The Future Development Of Smart Molds

    No one knows how the mold will develop in the future. The following plastic mold will explain from four aspects. 1. Energy-saving and environmentally friendly molds serving the energy-saving and environmental protection industries Such molds mainly include molds that serve the energy saving, emissio... read more

    Nov 02,2020 Industry News
  • Today's Mold Market Development Requires Processing Equipment

    Today's Mold Market Development Requires Processing Equipment

    We know that molds are a bit different from other industries. Molds have relatively high requirements for equipment in manufacturing and processing. In addition, molds are produced in a single piece and have specific users. The process is characterized by participating in product design, and each mo... read more

    Nov 02,2020 Industry News
  • 7 Aspects Of Mold Processing Equipment To Improve Processing Performance

    7 Aspects Of Mold Processing Equipment To Improve Processing Performance

    Mold processing equipment needs to improve processing performance, mainly reflected in: 1. The increasing size of mold-forming parts and the high productivity of parts require one mold with multiple cavities, resulting in increasingly large molds. Large tonnage molds can reach 100 tons, and one mold... read more

    Nov 02,2020 Industry News
  • The Rapid Development Of Domestic Molds, Technical Resources To Escort

    The Rapid Development Of Domestic Molds, Technical Resources To Escort

    Before China entry into the WTO, the mold import business was basically a duty-free product. Domestic mold companies have not relied on the protection of tariff barriers for a long time, and the surviving companies have long withstood the test of global economic integration competition. Moreover, af... read more

    Nov 02,2020 Industry News
  • Will The World Mold Industry Continue To Maintain A Good Development Trend?

    Will The World Mold Industry Continue To Maintain A Good Development Trend?

    According to statistics from the China Die & Mould Industry Association, China, the United States, Japan, Germany, South Korea, and Italy are the world's major producers of injection molds and stamping dies. The world mold industry will continue to maintain its good development trend. The trajec... read more

    Nov 02,2020 Industry News
  • Demand Exceeds Supply In The Precision Mold Market?

    Demand Exceeds Supply In The Precision Mold Market?

    The mold industry has a broad prospect, and the precision mold market is in short supply. However, the proportion of high, medium and low-end molds produced by my country's mold industry is extremely unbalanced, which is very unfavorable for the development of my country's mold industry. There is an... read more

    Jul 30,2019 Industry News